If you are like most graduate students, when you first came to ESF you were a little intimidated about all the various forms you needed to fill out. And more importantly, when you need to fill them out and who needs to sign what. Well as the GAs for the Office of Instruction and Graduate Studies (OI&GS), we are going to try and unravel the mysteries of the 2-6 lettered forms to make your life as a graduate student easier (because we all know we could use all the help we can get!).
2A: Appointment of Major Professor/Steering Committee - this form appoints your major professor (MP) and your steering committee (# of committee members depends on your degree). This needs to be signed by your Department Chair and needs to be submitted before your 3B form. The 2A is usually recommended to be completed by the end of your first semester.
3B: Graduate Program of Study - this form basically lists the classes that you will be taking as a graduate student and other necessary degree requirements. If you are transferring credits, they need to be listed too. This needs to be signed by your MP, your steering committee, and the Department Chair and/or Graduate Coordinator. The 3B form is different for MS, MPS, PhD, MF, and MLA degrees, so make sure you fill out the correct one. Form 3A contains information regarding completing your 3B form, and can usually be picked up from the OI&GS.
5B: Request to Appoint Defense of Thesis/Dissertation Examination Committee - this form appoints the committee for your defense of your thesis or dissertation. It is signed by your Department Chair and lists your MP, steering committee, and examiners (outside your committee). This needs to be in before you schedule a defense. If you are PhD candidate, you must fill out a 6B and successfully complete your candidacy exam before you can defend your dissertation. Form 5A contains information about your defense and is usually attached to the 5B form.
6B: Request to Appoint Doctoral Candidacy Examination Committee and Committee Chair - this form appoints a candidacy examination committee and committee chair, and should be signed by your Department Chair. It contains your MP and steering committee, as well as examiners. Form 6A is usually attached to the 6B form and holds information regarding your candidacy exam.
The rest of the forms out there are forms that you will receive throughout your graduate school process, usually confirming appointments, defense/candidacy dates, and the successful completion of these defense/candidacy exams.
For more information, reference your department's website or the OI&GS website on Degree Requirements and Forms: (http://www.esf.edu/graduate/graddegreq.htm)
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